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Economic Development
Create high paying jobs through the expansion of infrastructure, supporting our small businesses, and employing our local labor to build out our business parks, water, sewer, roads and broadband to attract new business into Scioto County.

Community Development
It is important to grow community development at the same rate of economic development. To that end, I'm focused on providing opportunities to our children, families, and all citizens to enjoy the community in which they live and to attract new businesses and professionals into the county.

Fiscally Conservative
The primary job as commissioner is to ensure that the county finances stay strong. I will continue to work hard to ensure Scioto County never goes into Fiscal Emergency again. In my early 20s I was working with and evaluating multi-million dollar budgets, this experience helps me to understand our fiscal standing, major purchases, and balance the return on investment for our citizens.

Support for Law Enforcement
Our men and women in blue deserve the best equipment and technology to keep them safe while they protect our community. I will always support the efforts of our Scioto County Sheriff and the men and women of their department.

Protecting our most vulnerable
It is my goal to protect and help those that cannot help themselves. I will continue to evaluate county services to ensure we are the most responsive and efficient to meet the needs of those that need us most.
Supporting Our Veterans
I will always fight for our veterans to ensure they get the services and support that they deserve. They put it all on the line for us, and I intend to repay that debt as often as I can.

Support for our Agricultural Community
Agriculture is a vital part of Scioto County's economic success and also our culture. Being raised on the farm I respect and appreciate all the hard work our farmers put in to provide us food and goods. I will always support our farmers.

Combating the fallout from the ongoing Opioid Crisis
Our county was the epicenter of the opioid crisis and with that distinction we have unique and tough problems to tackle. I will continue to work hard to ensure our community recovers from this plague, while taking into account all members of our community, both those directly and indirectly effected.
RESULTS since January 2021
Economic Development
JobsOhio awards/recognition for Best Site Development for Haverhill Corridor, and finalist for Best Building Project for Spec Building at SOAR Business Park in Minford, Ohio. This investment will attract business and developers to both sites.
$250,000 in grants set aside to assist our small businesses to continue to grow and create jobs.
Millions invested in expanded sewer, water, and roads in 2021.
2nd Spec building being built at SOAR business park.
Over $5,000,000 paid to Union Contractors from 2021 to current, keeping money in our local economy.
Over $50 million secured in grants to expand Broadband in our region through lobbying Columbus to provide this much needed resource.
Working to acquire the 5/3 building on Chillicothe street to spur growth and revitalization of our downtown.
Community Development
New Red Bull Certified Pump Track at Earl Thomas Conley Park.
Investment in the Candyland Children's Museum.
Grant to Expand the 14th Street Community Center.
Acquisition of the park at the Greenup Dam to develop into an All-Inclusive Park for children of all abilities.
Grant awarded to Growing Lucasville Opportunities (GLO) for the build out of the new park and entertainment venue in Valley Township.
Continued Support for River Days, Winterfest, and 4th of July Activities.
Support for Boneyfiddle Project's Final Fridays and their new Music and Motion Festival.
In process of acquiring land for public access on the Scioto River to increase usage for recreation and tourism.
Support for Main Street Portsmouth and Sponsor of their Farmers Market.
Grant Awarded to Portsmouth Little Theatre for remodel project.
Fiscally Conservative
Increased Moody's Bond Rating.
Refinanced long-term debt saving over one million dollars.
Strongest carry over in County history.
Leveraged millions in grants to increase our purchasing power will protecting the general fund balance.
Increased Lost Control and Risk management to lower Workers' Compensation Liability, enhance IT awareness for cyber attacks, and increased trainings for workplace safety to lower workers' compensation claims.
Support for Law Enforcement
Funded a Special Victims Unit in collaboration with the Sheriff and Prosecutor's Office.
Approved new laptops and technology for Deputy cars to ensure they have access to real-time information.
Purchased new vehicles to get the office in the right fleet rotation to ensure safe reliable transportation.
Support of new equipment including body cams and stop stick to be in stock for each cruiser.
Updated technology to assist with 911 and mapping across departments and funded dedicated IT staff to support the departments IT needs.
Protecting our most vulnerable
Allocated up to $2,000,000 to Child Protection Services to ensure an continuation of services and housing, while also moving to restructure CPS under the direction of Job and Family Services.
Added a second attorney in the Prosecutors Office to focus only on Children Services cases.
In conjunction with the Special Victims Unit, added a victims advocate to assist victims of crime such as child abuse or elder abuse.
$150,000 grant awarded to Daily Bread in Rarden, Ohio to provide hot meals to those in need.
$15,000 grant to Community Action to upgrade kitchen to provide meals for children during services.
County wide Code Red System to alert citizens of emergency situations.
Supporting Our Veterans
Provided new transportation vehicles to the Veterans Service Commission to assist in getting our veterans to their medical appointments.
Lobbied, and continue to lobby our federal representatives on the potential closure of the VA in Chillicothe and the changing of services in New Boston.
Secured ownership of the Tank at the Minford Airport to shift insurance burden away from our veterans association.
Provided a van to James Irwin Post #622 in Minford, Ohio to assist in their services and the conducting of veteran funerals.
Finalized the grant process to move forward with the War Memorial on US23
Support for our Agricultural Community
Provided funds for the Scioto County Fair Board to replace roofs on the 4-H horse Barns.
Ongoing support to the OSU Extension Center in the amount of $250,000. These funds help with the 4-H and Ag activities in the county.
Member of the Ohio Farm Bureau.
Support of our 4-H members through livestock auctions at the Scioto County Fair.
Standing with our Farmers to ensure utility right of way issues do not disrupt their fields and production.
Combating the fallout from the ongoing Opioid Crisis
Voted No on the OneOhio plan to settle with the Big 3 Opioid Distributors. Their offer of $100,000 a year for 18 years does not even begin to get close to help turn the corner of this crisis.
Evaluating County Wide Zoning to restrict the ability to place recovery housing into communities without the support of neighbors.
Working with State Representatives on language to restrict the openings of new treatment centers based on the needs of the community.
Ongoing conversations with representatives at Ohio Medicaid, Department of Health, and Mental Health and Addiction Services on meaningful guidelines and regulations to ensure quality of care for those in recovery.
Added funds for law enforcement, children services, and support for social service initiatives.
Continue to provide facilities to Hughes Recovery Center and TCC while they provide treatment, counseling, and workforce development programs for people in recovery.
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